second-rate performers in minstrel shows who were prone to exaggerated gestures. Minstrels blackened their faces with burnt cork and removed their makeup with ham fat rather than the cold cream that more affluent actors could afford.
Monday, June 21, 2010
"Ham actor"
The ham actor: A reading (Denison's Monologues and Readings)
Ham is an abbreviation of hamfatter, used to describe
second-rate performers in minstrel shows who were prone to exaggerated gestures. Minstrels blackened their faces with burnt cork and removed their makeup with ham fat rather than the cold cream that more affluent actors could afford.
second-rate performers in minstrel shows who were prone to exaggerated gestures. Minstrels blackened their faces with burnt cork and removed their makeup with ham fat rather than the cold cream that more affluent actors could afford.
minstrel shows,